
Mizuchi 白蛇心傳 - Visual Novel

Created by Aikasa Collective ~ Mizuchi

New Arrivals - Welcome to the Mizuchi merchandise store! You may purchase the game key for or Steam when the game is launched. The key is included for New Backers interested in the "Join the Fun" item (All Digital Goods + Access). If you're a Kickstarter backer and satisfied with your pledge level, the goods should already be in your cart, so no need to add anything else. If you want to add any digital/physical goods or extras, you may buy them here as "add-ons". Thanks again for your interest!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Demo Song
over 6 years ago – Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 05:40:24 AM

Here is a clip of a new demo song! It's a little eerie... can anyone guess where this would be used in the demo? ^_^

I think the most challenging thing about using work with a composer like Greg, whose very meticulous, is that some songs tend to have a very specific use. In general, you tend to want background music that have a high reusable factor so scenes don't seem too empty. The trade off of course is that the songs are sorta generic and not very memorable at times to players. We're still trying to find this balance, otherwise those that pledged for the soundtrack may be getting way more than expected. There's probably going to be a lot of variations of a song that's for sure... ^^;

In case you haven't played the demo, here is one of our garden background images to enjoy! These scenes may carry a bit of a surprise though ^.~

What is waiting for you here?
What is waiting for you here?

Fun Game Tidbit:

You can do it Linh! - Another Potential Keychain
You can do it Linh! - Another Potential Keychain

Did you know that it is pretty hard to find a really good brush calligraphy font for the English alphabet? Mizuchi's logo was made after using a pen brush by a pure amateur (me), written each letter probably 30 times. Then it was scanned, screened out by Amori (editor) and Moon (lead artist), picking out the best letters with "most personality." Moon cleaned it up, and it was balanced out by Jey (UI designer). It was a big team effort!

Thank you for helping us reach $3.5K!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 07:24:05 PM

We are now over 40% funded this early on :) Here's a Jinhai chibi sticker (also in game art) for you! Who loves our pet chicken?!

Sticker! Potential Keychain? (Your vote soon enough)
Sticker! Potential Keychain? (Your vote soon enough)

Current Production Update:

Our composer Greg is hoping to whip up 3 new demo songs and variations for the other ones for a more complete sound in the upcoming week. BGs are progressing splendidly under our artist Vui, we hope to show the hearth next week :D CGs are heading to spoiler territory so I'll try to find something to show at some point. Thanks again, everyone! You're the best!"

1st Day Wrap up - Thank you!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 03:19:31 PM

Thank you everyone who has put your faith in us and backed us within these first few days! It means a lot and we aim to have a more complete demo up soon so you all can get a better impression of what the final game's quality will be like!

We're so close to making our first thousand within just a couple of days! We appreciate your enthusiasm for our studio's first game!

You're awesome!

Preview of one sticker... and our appreciation for you backers!
Preview of one sticker... and our appreciation for you backers!

 Also you can view our teaser trailer on Youtube as well, presently uploaded by our sister studio Altabe Studio. Please like and share it, as well as this campaign! <3