
Mizuchi 白蛇心傳 - Visual Novel

Created by Aikasa Collective ~ Mizuchi

New Arrivals - Welcome to the Mizuchi merchandise store! You may purchase the game key for or Steam when the game is launched. The key is included for New Backers interested in the "Join the Fun" item (All Digital Goods + Access). If you're a Kickstarter backer and satisfied with your pledge level, the goods should already be in your cart, so no need to add anything else. If you want to add any digital/physical goods or extras, you may buy them here as "add-ons". Thanks again for your interest!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Question + Keychain Picks
over 5 years ago – Sat, Sep 07, 2019 at 11:36:26 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Update #11 - August Rush
over 5 years ago – Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 11:09:19 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Update #10 - Steam Store!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 09:17:06 PM

Greetings! Not a large update like the last one, but everything is going slow and steady. Editing work is going great and the girls have really come to life ^_^ which is roughly at the halfway mark! My own life is sorta getting in the way at the moment with a lot of personal stuff going on... so I may have overestimated how long it takes to script everything. I am hoping the game will be polished, undergone proper beta testing, and be ready sometime in October. My apologies for the tentative deadline. If there is any bigger delays, I will also be focusing on the physical goods in that meantime. Progress will continually move forward.

In the meantime, great news that the Steam store page is now up! I have also painfully learned that all of Ai's known sprites (naga + mermaid) and their CGs are apparently not All Ages friendly O_o; LOL The team is definitely confused by the Steam review process. Please share with others for those wishlist buildup! It helps with the algorithm by time of launch as we want to maximize Mizuchi's exposure. 

To keep the team busy since about half the team is now done with their role in Mizuchi, they've been moved onto two other projects. One is the next yuri game we mentioned a while back (yay!). We're still working out the details of the sprites and such. The other one is an older project with more engaging gameplay, akin to an japanese style VN adventure game. This project will probably take years, so don't pay much attention to it for now.

    Thank you all! Stay safe and see you next month! 

Update #9 - Cool June Days
over 5 years ago – Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 11:55:57 PM

Hello Everyone! We have some great news in this update!


Finally finished my draft! Thanks to everyone for your encouraging words! Definitely took longer than I wanted but I'm rather satisfied with every theme I've addressed in the story. I can't give a real wordcount until we put it into Renpy Lint, but the rough draft with programming code in it has it close to 110K. We have also added an editor to the team, so please all welcome Geck! You can find him on twitter @sirgeckcellent. His work has been an absolutely positive on my words in making the girls sound better than ever ^^ He has completed the first batch of edits (2 chapters each). We have a total of 10 chapters for the story.



We are officially done with all the CGs! All 28 images and variations done, including the new secret title menu ;) Can't wait for you to see them! Thank you again Moon and Natalie for being so awesome! This game is absolutely beautiful because of you two and your hard work.

Sparkle Sparkle!
Sparkle Sparkle!

Next Plan: (Listed by Priority)

Script (Grind) work - I will like to start scripting really soon, probably the next day or two. This involves putting it into Renpy, checking to see if everything works properly with the text, then I'll start putting in the expressions of each character as before. This has to be done tediously on my end as the director. I'll need to reach out to the programmer for those tricky ATL stuff though ^^;

Steam Page - This needs to be made! What is our deadline? Eh... I'm hoping for a Q3 or Q4 release of this year. Once I begin scripting, I'll know how long things will actually take and adjust the deadline accordingly. Let's hope for a smooth process! I'll be sure to do a small update when this is up for you steam players to track!

New Trailer - Now that we have a lot of CGs to work with, the video editor will have way more flexibility to make an awesome new trailer! We're still finalizing the song and such, but hopefully the new one will really capture the mood of the game ^_^

Backer Kit - I'll probably work on this a bit slowly. I got some feedback about possibly offering this after the game has been released. This will allow players to buy any additional physical merchandise that they may have missed out on during the KS run. I'm hoping for it to be ready for pick up on my end (or family members) by the end of the year, after quality check and all goes well. Then sent out soon after to you!

Enjoy the roughs while you can XD Not in game~
Enjoy the roughs while you can XD Not in game~

Hopefully next month's update will be just as exciting! Lastly, I hope you all have had a wonderful and safe Pride Month! May the upcoming months be even better ^_^ Cya later!

Update #8 - Summer Rush
almost 6 years ago – Tue, May 07, 2019 at 09:00:45 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.