
Mizuchi 白蛇心傳 - Visual Novel

Created by Aikasa Collective ~ Mizuchi

New Arrivals - Welcome to the Mizuchi merchandise store! You may purchase the game key for or Steam when the game is launched. The key is included for New Backers interested in the "Join the Fun" item (All Digital Goods + Access). If you're a Kickstarter backer and satisfied with your pledge level, the goods should already be in your cart, so no need to add anything else. If you want to add any digital/physical goods or extras, you may buy them here as "add-ons". Thanks again for your interest!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #3 - Blue Glow
over 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 08, 2018 at 10:28:18 PM

Not too much to update than the usual. BGs coming in smoothly. One of the artists is on her work break for private matters and will be back in a week or two. Otherwise things are moving nicely ^_^ Back to your usual sketch pieces!

Shadow people...
Shadow people...
Blue blobs
Blue blobs

 We also sent out a poll to all those that paid for keychain charms :D Included is a silhouette of Ai's other two forms! I promise you she is not a seal *coughs*. See you again!

Tree Sketch
Tree Sketch

Update #2 - Have a Chicken
over 6 years ago – Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 11:18:52 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Update #1 Post-KS
over 6 years ago – Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 12:22:53 AM

My apologies I'm pretty bad at titles... *coughs*

So current updates, Natalie has finished coloring two CGs! Yay~~ One may need a little bit more tweaking, then will be sent to the printer for a test run of the clear file folders :)

Here is the start of our CG snippets as promised! ^o^

Since we received feedback of some scenes lacking background images, we went the extra step to get some extra art done for the final demo version. This is a preview of the... uh mess left behind from our "memorable" meal ^.~

That's it for now! I'll most likely be silent for the remaining two weeks to prepare. The artists will still be busy working of course :D I'll ask another teammate to update for us if we got some more stuff to share. Otherwise, I'll be straight to working on the writing once I finish! Thanks again for your patience and support ^_^

Mizuchi Gameplan
over 6 years ago – Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 12:24:39 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Amazing! You all did it!! 126% Funded with Extra Love Scenes!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 11:33:25 PM

Apologies! I do tend to ramble a little... I woke up a little early this morning to mentally prepare myself for the final numbers. I can only imagine how all of you were feeling when you saw that $30 left just staring at you lol. Then BAM $10,505 with 26 minutes to spare. Then it sorta ballooned O_O; So I'm really in some shock at the moment as I prepared the final image below in photoshop. You guys were amazing though in getting us that Extra Love Scenes! XD *claps claps* Well deserved! I'm really pleased I'll be able to pay all my artists a good and fair wage while maximizing the budget as I can.

The last few rough images you have seen these last few days are rough sketches we were working on but didn't make the final cut! Moon does a lot of thumbnails and went all out to make it great for you guys to see. It'll also be in the artbook :) I do enjoy all these images as we're able to see the girls interact a bit more ^_^

A bigger thank you to you all!
A bigger thank you to you all!

A big thank you from Team Aikasa Collective! You're all super duper!

Random fact, it was actually my birthday yesterday, so I was already super pleased with how supportive all you backers have been with my project! It means a lot to me whose been ambivalent about my birthday for a long time. Also the whole 9/11 really puts an appropriate damper on everyone's mood. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for everything! My team will do our darn hardest to make this game the best it can be with your help and encouragement! ^_^